and Ever,
Together For

Look down on me my love,
For I am still here on earth.
You left me, Oh so long ago,
And my life now is of little worth.

You took my life, my heart, my soul,
My existence is but an empty dream.
And I'm nourished only by my memories,
The ache in my heart is a steady stream.

My will to exist is passing,
It seems that life is an empty shell.
Now that you are so far away,
Each day that passes is a living hell.

I clutch each of your belongings,
And press them softly to my face.
The fragrance of yet your being,
Is like roses, as with them I embrace.

I can feel your soft cheek upon mine,
And visualise our sweet kisses so soft.
Our arms entwine each other,
And each fiber of my body is aloft.

I realize I'm only dreaming,
When to reality I awaken,
But my longing to be back in animation,
To be relieved of this pain that it's making.

Oh Lord, how much longer have I to suffer,
Before I can hear You call me home?
So the one I love and I can be together,
Then no more on this earth, need I roam alone.

Heaven's Gates are open wide,
And you are waiting there for me.
I'll finish the task our Lord has given,
So we can be together for eternity.

By L.M.WillsonŠ
Used With Permission
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