You Are Not Ordinary
For too long My Child, you have thought of yourself as ordinary,
but when I molded you out of the clay, I made you to be "different!"
There is no one else quite like you.
Your heart has its own beat.
Your smile has its own shape.
Your mind processes information in its own unique way.
You must start to envision yourself the way I see you.
I do not look at the ordinary or commonplace when I look at you.
You are designed not to just "fit in," but to "stand apart."
Yes, you are to join your brothers and sisters in unity,
but at the same time, you are to have your own unique identity.
Start to see yourself as an individual.
See that it is okay to have your own unique feelings and needs.
See that it is all right to want more and to hope for more.
Stop accepting life for what you have been.
There is truly much more to your living.
You do not need to be "of the world" to be "alive" in the world.
There is a difference.
Be free to be yourself.
I did not design you to conform to man's image.
You are not to be a copy of another human being.
You are to be delighted to be yourself and enjoy living as you are
while hoping for more promises and blessings along the way.
Keep your focus and trust in Me.
I will surely keep My focus and trust in you!
I know you have had many obstacles and difficulties to overcome,
but I know your heart and your true intentions and I AM pleased
with your progress.
You are unique...So enjoy your uniqueness, your differences, your abilities,
and your laughter instead of wondering so much about everyone else and
whether or not you fit in or are accepted. I didn't make you to fall into a
crack and stay there. I made you as a "Star" that shines so bright, it
stands out in the crowd!
I love you for who you are ... so be yourself.

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and no financial gain is made by this site. If you like this song please support
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