Last Train Home
clattering old train I'm on
Is the last one bound for home,
It's years since I've been back
But at last I'm on a one-way

Will my hometown be the same
When I step down from the train?
Will anyone be there to greet me
With arms open, smiling sweetly?

Grandpa and grandma long are gone,
Dad passed leaving mom on her own.
Family and friends I no longer
Faces of my childhood from long

For many years I sailed the seas
Thinking of home left behind me,
Now I've aged from young to old,
No longer a lad brash and bold.

I pine for the old home place
Far from life's hectic pace,
I've been gone most of a lifetime,
Now I return to that home of mine.

I want to be in a Christmas snow
And watch summers come and go,
To smell roses and hear birds sing
As I rock in the old porch swing.

So rattle on you rickety old train
Come tomorrow I'll be home again,
There is happiness waiting for me
At river's bend, near the trees.

©Written by: Kenneth J. Ellison
Used With Permission
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