a little about myself, I live in a small country town in NSW Australia
and I'd like to welcome you to my Realm of 3D Graphics.
I have one daughter her name is Karyn and she is my beautiful angel,
and best friend. Karyn is married to Mark they met 9 years
ago when she was 16 and have been married 5 years now. Next
year we are moving to sunny Queensland which will be a big
change seeing as I've always lived in NSW, but they do say it's never to
late for change.
It's a move I'm really looking forward to and hopefully it will be a new
beginning for me, but still keeping my close
friends near to my heart. You know who you are and you are locked in
my heart and can't escape, without you I would be so lost, you have
given me so much strength and courage.
When I was 10 years old I remember my mother
wrote a verse in my friendship book and I've never forgotten it ...
True friends are like
Rich and rare,
False friends are like pebbles
Scattered everywhere.
I'm lucky to have beautiful diamonds
in my life.
I worked as a
bookkeeper for an accounting firm for about 8 years. As far as the
Internet goes I first ventured on here in July 2001 and was scared to
death of it .. lol .. but in the time I've been on here I've learnt
a lot, some from others who took the time to teach me and some I've
learnt through trial and error and I still have lots to learn. This
time last year I'd never attempted to upload pages to a website and
had no idea at all where to start.
I've made some good
friends over the last few years some of which I've had the pleasure
of meeting in person. I have a really close friend from America I know I'll meet
in the near future and that I'm really looking forward to. I have
others I know I'll never have the chance to meet, but you never
know what the future holds.
really hope you enjoy
your visit to my site and enjoy the pictures you see as
well as the poetry by some of my special online friends Pam Gallo aka Dreamer,
Kenneth Ellison, Les Willson, Sharon/Angelheart and hopefully more in the near future.
If you write poetry and would like to share your talents with others
please email me your poems. If
you could please put "Poetry Kezza's Realm"
in the subject line so I know you would like to see it posted on
this site I would be very grateful.
If you would like to
exchange banners with me please click on My Banners on the home
3D Graphics is a totally new interest for me
which I only started in November 2005
and its been a lot of fun, I've really enjoyed doing the pictures you'll
see in my different Realms.
a proud member of the Heart Creators Web Ring please visit the other
members sites by selecting list on the Heart Creators Plaque.
You won't be disappointed they are awesome sites and well worth
I'm also a proud
member of Heaven's Angels, again you can visit other awesome sites
which I know you'll enjoy by clicking the Web Ring Plaque.
group I've joined recently is Hearts of Friendship, they are a group
of loving and caring Ladies and I'm very proud to be a member.
Before you leave I would love to see you sign my
Guest Book and leave me your thoughts, all feedback is
most welcome.
I hope you have a
great day and thank you for taking the time to visit my site, I hope
you enjoyed your visit and will come back again soon.